21 New Year's (and 21st birthday) Resolutions.


Happy New Year!
New Year's Day also happens to be my birthday. This year it was my 21st.

Normally I don't really subscribe to the whole 'new year, new me!' narrative, but this New Year I was turning 21, and It felt like a nice time to reflect and set some goals for my future adult life.

2017 was easily one of the best years of my life thus far and for 2018 and turning 21, I thought I would make a list of 21 things I want to work on to better myself for becoming an adult.
(as scary as that thought is)

1. Trust your own decisions.

When I make a decision, I quite often look for assurance from others on my decision. Whilst I obviously still want to take advice from genuine friends and family who have my best interests at heart, I also want to trust my own decisions more. The only way I can describe what I mean here is through a silly anecdote, so bear with:

You know when you're trying to decide between pizza and pasta at an Italian restaurant? and you say to your friend "should I have pizza? or pasta?" and they answer "pizza! definitely" and yet inside you were hoping they would say pasta, because deep down, you know you want pasta. You were just looking for someone to back you up.

That's what I mean. I am going to trust my feelings. I am going to order pasta without looking for assurance from others. (and obviously more important decisions than that...)

2. Learn a language

I promised myself I would do this when I came home from study abroad, because when I was there, I was thoroughly embarrassed by my lack of language skills, and everyone else's talents.

Other than downloading and playing 3 levels on french duo-lingo, I didn't keep my promise to myself, so I would like to do this as an adult.

3. Stop trying to make your hair curly. It's never going to be curly.

I was born (cursed) with terminally pin-straight hair. I try to curl it with tongs, wands, rollers, plaits, everything. Ten minutes later... straight again. No amount of hairspray or mousse can save me from the curse. I was thinking of getting a perm until I found out that if your hair doesn't hold a curl, it won't hold a perm and it will fry your hair in the process.

My hair will never look like Merida's from 'Brave'. I need to accept that and move on.

4. Stop filling awkward silences with meaningless ramblings.

Just because there is a lull in the conversation doesn't mean you need to fill it Sarah. Especially don't just fill it with inane chit chat. People find it annoying and it serves no purpose.

5. Finish what you start.

I just love coming up with ideas and starting new things, it's so exciting. But when you've got a painting you started 3 months ago and a blog post you started then got distracted from and leftover food going off in the fridge because you wanted to start cooking something from scratch again, you need to finish what you started before moving on.

6. Ask for help when you need it.

Theres no shame in asking for help with things. A project does not need to be a one man show, and in fact, it benefits from having advice from different perspectives.

7. Stop using products that are tested on animals.

There really is no excuse any more, I just need to do my research and stop buying from irresponsible brands.

8. Get a professional wardrobe. 

I am (hopefully) going to be getting jobs very soon and I need clothes that reflect that. I think that clothes have the power to transform your mental state. I think a suit would make me feel like a boss.

9. Get. More. Sleep.

Why can I never seem to go for an early night these days?  I don't know, but I'm working on it.

10. Stop trying to make friendships work when the other person has made it clear that they do not care about you.

Friendships are two way things, if your 'friend' does not have your best interests at heart as you do with theirs, then they are not a true friend. Always give second chances, but make people earn their third chance.

11. Do more exercise.

No, do not join the gym. You will not go. But walk more, cycle more, climb more, and ski more. Get outside more.

12. Be more present.

It's not okay to check your phone when someone is talking to you. Stop it.

13. Listen to a book.

As a dyslexic person who has never read a novel, everyone always recommends listening to an audio book. I always say I'm too busy, or I'd zone out or I wouldn't like it. But to be honest, I've never tried. So maybe I should.

14. Stop freaking out about getting old.

You are not old. 21 is not old. It just feels like it now.

15. Get out of your comfort zone more.

That's when you start to learn. Plus, it's actually not that bad, I know that now. It's fun, exciting and scary and no-one ever achieved anything completely in their comfort zone.

16. Get back into music.

Music used to be my whole life, I was in every band and orchestra and I even originally studied Music before moving to Fashion. I miss it a lot, and I want to take part in it again.

17. Care less what other people think.

I'm so so so bad at this. I need to just toughen up, sing the karaoke, dance the dance, and wear the top. People are always going to judge and I need to just own it.

18. Write. A. Shopping. List.

I don't know how many times I get home from the shop and I don't have the one thing I was actually meant to buy.

19. Do it now. 

Stop procrastinating.

20. Learn from your mistakes.

Cliché, but true. Everyone makes mistakes, but I need to make sure I learn my lessons.

21. Be more happy with myself.

Adult Sarah likes herself and knows her self worth and is grateful for her privileges.

Goals - to be as happy and cool as I was when this picture was taken

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